Movies like Romancing the Stone to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie Romancing the Stone with Danny DeVito, Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas & Ron Silver & created by Robert Zemeckis?

Movies like Romancing the Stone with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Romancing the Stone?

A mousy romance novelist sets off for Colombia to ransom her kidnapped sister, and soon finds herself in the middle of a dangerous adventure hunting for treasure with a mercenary rogue.

TAGLINE: "She's a girl from the big city. He's a reckless soldier of fortune. For a fabulous treasure, they share an adventure no one could imagine... or survive."

Its release date is Friday March 30, 1984

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alligator, Colombia, Crocodile, Hero, Map, Riddle, Treasure, Treasure Hunt & Writers
Genre Action, Adventure & Comedy
Country Mexico
Director Robert Zemeckis
Starring Danny DeVito, Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas & Ron Silver
Place Colombia & New York City
Location Mexico & Utah
Written by Diane Thomas
Runtime 106 min

Other Action movies by Robert Zemeckis

Allied | Nov 17th, 2016

7.1/10 | By Robert Zemeckis
The United States & United Kingdom | Action, Drama & War
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Framed | Feb 25th, 1988

7.7/10 | By Jonas Frick & Robert Zemeckis
Sweden | Action & Comedy
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Beowulf | Apr 1st, 1999

4.0/10 | By Graham Baker & Robert Zemeckis
France & The United States | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
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