Movies like Romeo y Julieta to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Romeo y Julieta with Andrés Soler, Ángel Garasa, Cantinflas & María Elena Marqués & created by Miguel M. Delgado?

Movies like Romeo y Julieta with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Romeo y Julieta?

There have been many versions of Shakespeare's masterpiece, but none like the one starring Cantinflas. This delightful and humorous version also carries a powerful message to today's ...
Its release date is Thursday September 2, 1943

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Topic Based On Play Or Musical, Foreign Language Adaptation, Satire & Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
Genre Comedy
Country Mexico
Director Miguel M. Delgado
Starring Andrés Soler, Ángel Garasa, Cantinflas & María Elena Marqués
Written by Jaime Salvador & William Shakespeare (play)
Runtime 100 min

Other Comedy movies by Miguel M. Delgado

Sube y baja | Jan 1st, 1959

Sube y baja
7.0/10 | By Jordi Frades & Miguel M. Delgado
Mexico | Comedy
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El profe | Apr 7th, 1971

El profe
6.8/10 | By Miguel M. Delgado
Mexico | Comedy, Drama & Family

El barrendero | May 5th, 1982

El barrendero
6.6/10 | By Miguel M. Delgado
Mexico | Comedy
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