Movies like Roommates to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Roommates with D. B. Sweeney, Ellen Burstyn, Julianne Moore & Peter Falk & created by Peter Yates?

Movies like Roommates with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Roommates?

An elderly yet young-at-heart man moves in with his grandson, and both their lives turn upside-down.

TAGLINE: "Some people talk. Some people listen. When you're 107 and going strong, you do whatever you want."

Its release date is Wednesday March 1, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Birthday, Deathbed, Funeral, Grandparent Grandchild Relationship, Orphan, Roommate & Vegetarian
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Peter Yates
Starring D. B. Sweeney, Ellen Burstyn, Julianne Moore & Peter Falk
Place Ohio & Pittsburgh
Written by Max Apple (screenplay), Max Apple (short story), Max Apple (story) & Stephen Metcalfe (screenplay)
Cinematography Mike Southon (cinematographer)
Music Elmer Bernstein
Runtime 108 min

Other Comedy movies by Peter Yates

Mother, Jugs & Speed | Jan 1st, 1976

Mother, Jugs & Speed
5.9/10 | By Peter Yates
No streaming sources available just yet

For Pete’s Sake | Jun 26th, 1974

For Pete’s Sake
6.3/10 | By Peter Yates
United States of America | Comedy
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