Movies like Royal Wedding to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Music & Romance movie Royal Wedding with Fred Astaire, Jane Powell, Peter Lawford & Sarah Churchill & created by Stanley Donen?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Royal Wedding?

A brother and sister dance act encounter challenges and romance when booked in London during the Royal Wedding.

TAGLINE: "A story of a famed singing, dancing, brother and sister team!"

Its release date is Thursday March 8, 1951

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dance Performance, Royal Wedding & Weddings
Genre Comedy, Music & Romance
Country United States of America
Director Stanley Donen
Starring Fred Astaire, Jane Powell, Peter Lawford & Sarah Churchill
Place London
Time 1947
Written by Alan Jay Lerner
Runtime 93 min

Other Comedy movies by Stanley Donen

Blame It on Rio | Feb 17th, 1984

Blame It on Rio
5.8/10 | By Stanley Donen
United States of America | Comedy & Romance
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Singin’ in the Rain | Apr 10th, 1952

Singin’ in the Rain
8.3/10 | By Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen & Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly
The United States | Comedy, Music & Romance
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Damn Yankees! | Jul 23rd, 1958

Damn Yankees!
7.2/10 | By George Abbott & Stanley Donen
The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Music
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