Movies like Rules of Engagement to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Drama movie Rules of Engagement with Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, Samuel L. Jackson & Tommy Lee Jones & created by William Friedkin?

Movies like Rules of Engagement with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rules of Engagement?

An attorney defends an officer on trial for ordering his troops to fire on civilians after they stormed a U.S. embassy in a third world country.

TAGLINE: "A hero should never have to stand alone."

Its release date is Friday April 7, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Colony, Court Case, Lawyer, Life-saver, United States Marine Corps, Vietnam Veteran & Wound
Genre Action, Adventure & Drama
Country The United States
Director William Friedkin
Starring Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, Samuel L. Jackson & Tommy Lee Jones
Place Yemen
Location Morocco, South Carolina & Virginia
Written by Jim Webb (story) & Stephen Gaghan (screenplay)
Cinematography William A. Fraker
Music Mark Isham
Runtime 128 min

Other Action movies by William Friedkin

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The French Connection
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The Hunted | Mar 11th, 2003

The Hunted
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Jade | Oct 13th, 1995

6.8/10 | By William Friedkin & Woody Allen
The United States | Action, Mystery & Thriller
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