Movies like Rupaye Dus Karod to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Drama movie Rupaye Dus Karod with Amrita Singh, Avinash Wadhavan, Chunky Pandey & Rajesh Khanna & created by Sikander Bharti?

Movies like Rupaye Dus Karod with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rupaye Dus Karod?

Ravi has achieved law degree but has stopped practice and writes novels based on crime and detective.20 years ago his father Chamanlal had to flee the country and was pursued dead but he ...
Its release date is Friday November 29, 1991

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Genre Action & Drama
Director Sikander Bharti
Starring Amrita Singh, Avinash Wadhavan, Chunky Pandey & Rajesh Khanna
Written by Shabdh Kumar & Tanveer Khan (dialogue)
Runtime 149 min