Movies like Rust and Bone to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Rust and Bone with Bouli Lanners, Céline Sallette, Marion Cotillard & Matthias Schoenaerts & created by Jacques Audiard?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rust and Bone?
Put in charge of his young son, Alain leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Alain's bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident.
Its release date is Thursday May 17, 2012
Its release date is Thursday May 17, 2012
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Accident, Amputees, Animal Park, Antibes, Killer Whale, parent child relationship, Surveillance Camera & Underwater |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country | Belgium & France |
Director | Jacques Audiard |
Starring | Bouli Lanners, Céline Sallette, Marion Cotillard & Matthias Schoenaerts |
Place | Amusement Parks & France |
Location | Belgium, Brussels & France |
Written by | Craig Davidson (story), Jacques Audiard (screenplay) & Thomas Bidegain (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Stéphane Fontaine |
Music | Alexandre Desplat |
Runtime | 120 min |