Movies like Safe to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Safe with Dean Norris, Julianne Moore, Peter Friedman & Xander Berkeley & created by Lasse Hallström & Todd Haynes?

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An affluent and unexceptional homemaker in the suburbs develops multiple chemical sensitivity.

TAGLINE: "In the 21st century nobody will be... Safe."

Its release date is Friday June 23, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Allergy, Chemical, Diseases, Domestic Violence, Families, Housewife, Independent Film, Medicine, Pollution, Psychiatry, Quarantine, Religion, Sex, Suburbia & Widowhood
Genre Drama
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Lasse Hallström & Todd Haynes
Starring Dean Norris, Julianne Moore, Peter Friedman & Xander Berkeley
Place Boston, North Carolina & San Fernando Valley
Time 1987
Location North Carolina
Written by Todd Haynes
Cinematography Alex Nepomniaschy & Terry Stacey
Music * Brendan Dolan * Ed Tomney & Deborah Lurie
Runtime 119 min

Other Drama movies by Lasse Hallström

Dear John | Feb 4th, 2010

Dear John
6.3/10 | By Lasse Hallström
The United States | Drama, Romance & War
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Other Drama movies written by Todd Haynes

Velvet Goldmine | Oct 23rd, 1998

Velvet Goldmine
7.0/10 | By Todd Haynes
United Kingdom | Drama & Music
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Poison | Apr 5th, 1991

6.4/10 | By Todd Haynes
United States of America | Drama, Horror & Science Fiction
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Far from Heaven | Sep 1st, 2002

Far from Heaven
7.4/10 | By Todd Haynes
The United States | Drama & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz