Movies like Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Animation & Fantasy movie Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris with Hideyuki Hori, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Ryou Horikawa & Tōru Furuya & created by Kôzô Morishita?

Movies like Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Saint Seiya: Evil Goddess Eris?

Eris, the goddess of chaos, uses the body of Elien, Hyoga's friend, to revive herself. She obtains the Golden Apple of Discord in order to drain Athena's power, make herself complete and bring chaos to the world.
Its release date is Saturday July 18, 1987

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Topic Anime, Based On Manga, Deity, Fighter, Greek Mythology, Mythology, Shounen & Suit Of Armor
Genre Action, Animation & Fantasy
Country Japan
Director Kôzô Morishita
Starring Hideyuki Hori, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Ryou Horikawa & Tōru Furuya
Written by Masami Kurumada & Yoshiyuki Suga
Runtime 46 min

Other Action movies by Kôzô Morishita

The Transformers: The Movie
7.3/10 | By Baik Seung Kyun, Bob Matz, John Freeman, Kôzô Morishita, Margaret Nichols, Masahiko Ôkura, Masao Itô, Nelson Shin, Norm McCabe & Shigeyasu Yamauchi
Japan | Action, Animation & Science Fiction
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Other Action movies written by Masami Kurumada