Movies like Sam Whiskey to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Western movie Sam Whiskey with Angie Dickinson, Burt Reynolds, Clint Walker & Ossie Davis & created by Arnold Laven?

Movies like Sam Whiskey with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sam Whiskey?

A widow hires an ex-gambler to retrieve gold bars from a sunken river boat in Colorado and discreetly return them to the Federal Mint, from where they had been stolen by her dead husband.

TAGLINE: "Don't mix with "Sam Whiskey" - It's risky!"

Its release date is Tuesday April 1, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Gold, Lake & Treasury Department
Genre Action, Comedy & Western
Country United States of America
Director Arnold Laven
Starring Angie Dickinson, Burt Reynolds, Clint Walker & Ossie Davis
Place Colorado
Written by William W. Norton
Runtime 96 min

Other Action movies written by William W. Norton

Gator | Aug 25th, 1976

5.9/10 | By Burt Reynolds
United States of America | Action, Crime & Drama
Amazon Prime Video Vudu Tubi TV

White Lightning | Aug 6th, 1973

White Lightning
6.3/10 | By Joseph Sargent
The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
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