Movies like Satantango to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Satantango with Erika Bók, Mihály Víg, Miklós B. Székely & Putyi Horváth & created by Béla Tarr?

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Plotting on a payment they are about to receive, residents of a collapsing collective farm see their plans turn into desolation when they discover that Irimiás, a former co-worker who they thought was dead, is coming back to the village.
Its release date is Tuesday February 8, 1994

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Topic based on novel, Countryside, Epic, Farm, Hungary, Loneliness, Long Take & Pub
Genre Drama
Country Germany & Hungary
Director Béla Tarr
Starring Erika Bók, Mihály Víg, Miklós B. Székely & Putyi Horváth
Written by Barna Mihók (story), Béla Tarr (screenplay), László Krasznahorkai (novel), László Krasznahorkai (screenplay), Mihály Vig (story) & Péter Dobai (story)
Cinematography Gábor Medvigy
Music Mihály Vig
Runtime 450 min

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Almanac of Fall | Aug 15th, 1984

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7.4/10 | By Béla Tarr
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