Movies like Saving Mr. Banks to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Biographical, Comedy, Drama & History movie Saving Mr. Banks with Colin Farrell, Emma Thompson, Paul Giamatti & Tom Hanks & created by John Lee Hancock?

Movies like Saving Mr. Banks with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Saving Mr. Banks?

Author P.L. Travers reflects on her childhood after reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins books for the big screen.

TAGLINE: "Where her book ended, their story began."

Its release date is Saturday November 16, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alcoholism, Animation, Biography, Directors Producers, Disney, Film Production, Filmmaking & Writer
Genre Biographical, Comedy, Drama & History
Country Australia & United Kingdom
Director John Lee Hancock
Starring Colin Farrell, Emma Thompson, Paul Giamatti & Tom Hanks
Place Hotels & Los Angeles
Time 1906
Written by Kelly Marcel & Sue Smith
Cinematography John Schwartzman
Music Thomas Newman
Runtime 125 min

Other Biographical movies by John Lee Hancock

The Founder | Sep 13th, 2016

The Founder
7.2/10 | By John Lee Hancock
The United States | Biographical, Drama, Historical & History
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