Movies like Scanners III: The Takeover to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Science Fiction movie Scanners III: The Takeover with Colin Fox, Liliana Komorowska, Steve Parrish & Valérie Valois & created by Christian Duguay?

Movies like Scanners III: The Takeover with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Scanners III: The Takeover?

A young female scanner turns from a sweet young thing into a murderous, power-crazed villain after she takes an experimental drug developed by her father. Her brother, who is also a scanner...

TAGLINE: "The terror has not ended. It has just begun... again."

Its release date is Friday January 31, 1992

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Computer, Drugs, Fiction Mind Control & Telekinesis
Genre Action, Horror & Science Fiction
Country Canada
Director Christian Duguay
Starring Colin Fox, Liliana Komorowska, Steve Parrish & Valérie Valois
Written by B.J. Nelson, David Cronenberg (based on the original characters created by), David Preston, Julie Richard & René Malo
Runtime 101 min

Other Action movies by Christian Duguay

The Art of War | Aug 23rd, 2000

The Art of War
5.7/10 | By Christian Duguay
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Live Wire | Sep 3rd, 1992

Live Wire
5.6/10 | By Christian Duguay & Christian Duguay (director)
The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
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Other Action movies written by B.J. Nelson