Movies like Scarlet Street to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Scarlet Street with Dan Duryea, Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett & Margaret Lindsay & created by Fritz Lang?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Scarlet Street?

When a man in mid-life crisis befriends a young woman, her venal fiancé persuades her to con him out of the fortune they mistakenly assume he possesses.

TAGLINE: "The things she does to men can end only one way - in murder!"

Its release date is Friday December 28, 1945

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Death Sentence, Electric Chair, Femme Fatale, Murder, Painter, Painters, Pimp, Roommate & Scam
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Fritz Lang
Starring Dan Duryea, Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett & Margaret Lindsay
Place New York City
Written by André Mouézy-Éon (novel), Dudley Nichols (screen play) & Georges de La Fouchardière (novel)
Cinematography Milton R. Krasner
Music Hans J. Salter
Runtime 102 min

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The Big Heat | Oct 14th, 1953

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M | May 11th, 1931

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