Movies like Scene of the Crime to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Scene of the Crime with Catherine Deneuve, Danielle Darrieux, Nicolas Giraudi & Wadeck Stanczak & created by André Téchiné?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Scene of the Crime?
In the woods, a 13-year-old boy is grabbed by an escaped convict and told to bring money later that day. The boy does as he's told, only to be attacked by the convict's partner. A murder ...
Its release date is Friday May 16, 1986
Its release date is Friday May 16, 1986
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama |
Country | France |
Director | André Téchiné |
Starring | Catherine Deneuve, Danielle Darrieux, Nicolas Giraudi & Wadeck Stanczak |
Written by | André Téchiné, Olivier Assayas & Pascal Bonitzer |
Cinematography | Pascal Marti |
Music | Philippe Sarde |
Runtime | 90 min |