Movies like Secondhand Lions to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Family movie Secondhand Lions with Haley Joel Osment, Josh Lucas, Michael Caine & Robert Duvall & created by Tim McCanlies?
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A coming-of-age story about a shy, young boy sent by his irresponsible mother to spend the summer with his wealthy, eccentric uncles in Texas.
Its release date is Friday September 19, 2003
Its release date is Friday September 19, 2003
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Dysfunctional Families, Family, Friendship, Lions, Money, Old Age, Summer, Teenagers, Texas & Veteran |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Tim McCanlies |
Starring | Haley Joel Osment, Josh Lucas, Michael Caine & Robert Duvall |
Place | Texas |
Time | 1962 |
Location | Texas |
Written by | Tim McCanlies |
Cinematography | Jack N. Green |
Music | Patrick Doyle |
Runtime | 109 min |
Other Comedy movies by Tim McCanlies
Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 | May 1st, 1998
6.6/10 | By Tim McCanlies
United States of America | Comedy, Drama & Family
Other Comedy movies written by Tim McCanlies
Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 | May 1st, 1998
6.6/10 | By Tim McCanlies
United States of America | Comedy, Drama & Family