Movies like Severed Ties to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Horror movie Severed Ties with Billy Morrissette, Elke Sommer, Garrett Morris & Oliver Reed & created by Damon Santostefano?

Movies like Severed Ties with the highest similarity score

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When a regeneration experiment on his severed arm grows a deadly reptilian creature instead of a limb, a mad scientist uses the serum on homeless crippled veterans to create an army and get his research back from his evil mother.
Its release date is Wednesday September 2, 1992

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Genre Comedy & Horror
Director Damon Santostefano
Starring Billy Morrissette, Elke Sommer, Garrett Morris & Oliver Reed
Written by Damon Santostefano (story), David Casci (story), John Brancato, John Nystrom (screenplay), Michael Ferris & Rick Roberts (additional material)
Runtime 92 min

Other Comedy movies by Damon Santostefano

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Bring It On Again
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Best Player | Mar 12th, 2011

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Another Cinderella Story | Sep 16th, 2008

Another Cinderella Story
5.9/10 | By Damon Santostefano
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