Movies like Signs of Life to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Signs of Life with Athina Zacharopoulou, Peter Brogle, Wolfgang Reichmann & Wolfgang von Ungern-Sternberg & created by Werner Herzog?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Signs of Life?
A wounded German paratrooper named Stroszek is sent to the quiet island of Kos with his wife Nora, a Greek nurse, and two other soldiers recovering from minor wounds. Billeted in a decaying...
Its release date is Friday July 5, 1968
Its release date is Friday July 5, 1968
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Descent Into Madness, German Soldier, Greece, Mental Illness Fiction, Soldier & World War Ii |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Germany |
Director | Werner Herzog |
Starring | Athina Zacharopoulou, Peter Brogle, Wolfgang Reichmann & Wolfgang von Ungern-Sternberg |
Place | Greece & Mediterranean Sea |
Written by | Achim von Arnim (inspired by the short story 'Der tolle Invalide auf dem Fort Ratonneau') & Werner Herzog (screenplay) |
Runtime | 91 min |