Movies like Silver Skates to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & Family movie Silver Skates with Aleksey Guskov, Fedor Fedotov, Sofya Priss & Yuri Kolokolnikov & created by Michael Lockshin?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Silver Skates?

The 20th century is just around the corner. In winter, St. Petersburg transforms into a fairy tale-like wonderland where frozen rivers and canals serve as the iced-over roads and bustle with skaters and markets. The city is home to 1

TAGLINE: "A Magical Journey Awaits You!"

Its release date is Thursday December 10, 2020

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Topic Interclass Romance, Police Officers & Royalty
Genre Adventure, Drama & Family
Country Russia
Director Michael Lockshin
Starring Aleksey Guskov, Fedor Fedotov, Sofya Priss & Yuri Kolokolnikov
Place Saint Petersburg
Time 1899 & 1900s
Location Saint Petersburg
Written by Roman Kantor
Runtime 130 min