Movies like Sin Pepitas en la Lengua to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Sin Pepitas en la Lengua with Agustín Gonçalves, Ash Olivera, Ingrid Villareal & Juan Carlos García de Paredes & created by Carlos Garcia de Paredes & Juan Carlos Garcia de Paredes?

Movies like Sin Pepitas en la Lengua with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sin Pepitas en la Lengua?

Isa, who is aggravated by her life, decides to visit a non traditional doctor. Through the use of hypnotherapy, Isa discovers that her pain is caused by repressed feelings and that the way for her to heal is to say everything she thinks.
Its release date is Thursday August 9, 2018

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Genre Comedy
Country Panama
Director Carlos Garcia de Paredes & Juan Carlos Garcia de Paredes
Starring Agustín Gonçalves, Ash Olivera, Ingrid Villareal & Juan Carlos García de Paredes
Written by N/A
Runtime N/A

Other Comedy movies written by N/A

The Gay Shoe Clerk | Aug 12th, 1903

The Gay Shoe Clerk
5.8/10 | By Edwin S. Porter & William Kennedy Dickson
The United States | Comedy & Romance

Springtime for Thomas | Mar 30th, 1946

Springtime for Thomas
7.8/10 | By Joseph Barbera & William Hanna
The United States | Animation & Comedy
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