Movies like Slugs to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie Slugs with Alicia Moro, Kim Terry, Michael Garfield & Philip MacHale & created by Juan Piquer Simón?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Slugs?

Killer slugs on the rampage in a rural community.

TAGLINE: "They ooze. They slime. They kill."

Its release date is Friday February 5, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Animal, Animals Gone Wild, Blood, New York City, Sewer, Slugs, Usa & Worms
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country Spain
Director Juan Piquer Simón
Starring Alicia Moro, Kim Terry, Michael Garfield & Philip MacHale
Place United States
Location Madrid
Written by José Antonio Escrivá, Juan Piquer Simón, Ron Gantman (screenplay by) & Shaun Hutson (novel)
Runtime 89 min

Other Horror movies by Juan Piquer Simón

The Rift | Mar 9th, 1990

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4.7/10 | By Juan Piquer Simón
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Pieces | Aug 23rd, 1982

6.1/10 | By Juan Piquer Simón
Spain & The United States | Horror & Mystery
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