Movies like Snowden to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & History movie Snowden with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Melissa Leo, Shailene Woodley & Zachary Quinto & created by Oliver Stone?

Movies like Snowden with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Snowden?

The NSA's illegal surveillance techniques are leaked to the public by one of the agency's employees, Edward Snowden, in the form of thousands of classified documents distributed to the press.

TAGLINE: "The only safe place is on the run."

Its release date is Thursday September 15, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Biography, National Security Agency, National Security Agency (nsa), Political Thriller, Security Surveillance, Surveillance, Whistleblower & Whistleblowing
Genre Crime, Drama & History
Country Germany
Director Oliver Stone
Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Melissa Leo, Shailene Woodley & Zachary Quinto
Place Geneva, Hawaii & Japan
Location Bavaria
Written by Anatoly Kucherena (book), Kieran Fitzgerald (screenplay by), Luke Harding (book) & Oliver Stone (screenplay by)
Cinematography Anthony Dod Mantle
Music Craig Armstrong (composer)
Runtime 134 min

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