Movies like Solanin to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Music & Romance movie Solanin with Aoi Miyazaki, Arata Iura, Kengo Kora & Kenta Kiritani & created by Takahiro Miki?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Solanin?
Meiko and Taneda are a couple graduated from university two years ago. Unhappy with their lives, Meiko quits her job and encourages Taneda to have this band become professional. They ...
Its release date is Saturday April 3, 2010
Its release date is Saturday April 3, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Based On Manga |
Genre | Drama, Music & Romance |
Country | Japan |
Director | Takahiro Miki |
Starring | Aoi Miyazaki, Arata Iura, Kengo Kora & Kenta Kiritani |
Written by | Inio Asano (manga) & Izumi Takahashi (screenplay) |
Music | Asian Kung Fu Generation |
Runtime | 126 min |