Movies like Soldado Milhões to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & War movie Soldado Milhões with Carminho Coelho, João Arrais, Lúcia Moniz & Miguel Borges & created by Gonçalo Galvão Teles & Jorge Paixão da Costa?

Movies like Soldado Milhões with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Soldado Milhões?

A Portuguese soldier, who got stranded from his team during the La Lys battle, struggles by himself through dozens of German offensives so he can guarantee the safety of his companions.
Its release date is Thursday April 12, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic World War I
Genre Drama & War
Country Portugal
Director Gonçalo Galvão Teles & Jorge Paixão da Costa
Starring Carminho Coelho, João Arrais, Lúcia Moniz & Miguel Borges
Written by N/A
Runtime 85 min

Other Drama movies written by N/A

Kaadan | Apr 2nd, 2020

N/A/10 | By Prabu Solomon
No streaming sources available just yet

Charlie Bartlett | Feb 22nd, 2008

Charlie Bartlett
7.4/10 | By Jon Poll & Karen Gehres
The United States | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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