Movies like Sole Survivor to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy & TV Movie movie Sole Survivor with Lou Antonio, Richard Basehart, Vince Edwards & William Shatner & created by Paul Stanley & Paul Stanley (director)?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Sole Survivor?
This story is loosely based on the discovery of the B-24 "Liberator" bomber the "Lady Be Good" that was found in the Libyan desert after the crew got lost on their 1st bombing mission to Italy.
Its release date is Friday January 9, 1970
Its release date is Friday January 9, 1970
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Airplane, Airplane Crash, Desert, Ghost Story, Libyan Desert, Tv Movie, United States Army Air Forces & World War Ii |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy & TV Movie |
Country | The United States |
Director | Paul Stanley & Paul Stanley (director) |
Starring | Lou Antonio, Richard Basehart, Vince Edwards & William Shatner |
Place | Deserts & Libya |
Time | 1940s & 1950s |
Written by | Guerdon Trueblood |
Cinematography | James Crabe |
Music | Paul Glass |
Runtime | 100 min |