Movies like Song for a Raggy Boy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Song for a Raggy Boy with Aidan Quinn, Dudley Sutton, Iain Glen & Marc Warren & created by Aisling Walsh?

Movies like Song for a Raggy Boy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Song for a Raggy Boy?

"Song for a Raggy Boy" is based on the true story of a single teacher's courage to stand up against an untouchable prefect's sadistic disciplinary regime and other abuse in a Catholic Reformatory and Industrial School in 1939 Ireland.

TAGLINE: "four walls. one faith. no identity."

Its release date is Sunday January 19, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1930s, Based On Non Fiction Book, Beating, Discipline, Pedophilia, Poetry, Reformatory, Strap & Woman Director
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Ireland & United Kingdom
Director Aisling Walsh
Starring Aidan Quinn, Dudley Sutton, Iain Glen & Marc Warren
Time 1939
Written by Aisling Walsh, Kevin Byron Murphy & Patrick Galvin
Runtime 94 min

Other Drama movies by Aisling Walsh

Maudie | Apr 14th, 2017

7.7/10 | By Aisling Walsh
Ireland | Drama, History & Romance
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