Movies like South Terminal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie South Terminal with Amel Brahim-Djelloul, Ramzy Bedia, Salim Ameur-Zaïmeche & Slimane Dazi & created by Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of South Terminal?

In a country plunging into armed conflict, a doctor tries to do his duty against all odds, until the day his destiny is turned upside down.
Its release date is Wednesday November 20, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama
Country Algeria
Director Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche
Starring Amel Brahim-Djelloul, Ramzy Bedia, Salim Ameur-Zaïmeche & Slimane Dazi
Written by Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche
Runtime 96 min