Movies like Southpaw to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Drama movie Southpaw with Forest Whitaker, Jake Gyllenhaal, Oona Laurence & Rachel McAdams & created by Antoine Fuqua?

Movies like Southpaw with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Southpaw?

A champion boxer fights to get his daughter back from child protective services as well as revive his professional career, after a fatal incident sends him on a rampant path of destruction.

TAGLINE: "Believe in Hope."

Its release date is Monday June 15, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Box Ring, Boxing, Death & Grieving, Drugs, Father Daughter Relationship, Fighter, Sport & Tragedy
Genre Action & Drama
Country The United States
Director Antoine Fuqua
Starring Forest Whitaker, Jake Gyllenhaal, Oona Laurence & Rachel McAdams
Place New York (state)
Location Indiana, New York (state) & Pennsylvania
Written by Kurt Sutter
Cinematography Mauro Fiore
Music James Horner
Runtime 124 min

Other Action movies by Antoine Fuqua

Tears of the Sun | Mar 7th, 2003

Tears of the Sun
6.6/10 | By Antoine Fuqua
The United States | Action, Drama, Thriller & War
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV Starz

Shooter | Mar 22nd, 2007

7.2/10 | By Antoine Fuqua
The United States | Action, Drama, Mystery & Thriller
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The Equalizer 3 | Aug 30th, 2023

The Equalizer 3
6.9/10 | By Antoine Fuqua
Italy | Action, Crime & Thriller
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