Movies like Space Battleship Yamato to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Space Battleship Yamato with Meisa Kuroki, Naoto Ogata, Takuya Kimura & Toshirō Yanagiba & created by Takashi Yamazaki?

Movies like Space Battleship Yamato with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Space Battleship Yamato?

In 2199, the crew of the space battleship Yamato embark on a dangerous journey to the planet Iskandar to acquire a device that will rejuvenate the war-ravaged Earth.
Its release date is Wednesday December 1, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Science Fiction
Country Japan
Director Takashi Yamazaki
Starring Meisa Kuroki, Naoto Ogata, Takuya Kimura & Toshirō Yanagiba
Time 22nd Century
Location Hawaii
Written by Leiji Matsumoto (manga), Shimako Sato (screenplay) & Yoshinobu Nishizaki (story)
Runtime 138 min

Other Science Fiction movies by Takashi Yamazaki

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Parasyte: Part 1
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Godzilla Minus One | Nov 3rd, 2023

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Parasyte: Part 2 | Apr 25th, 2015

Parasyte: Part 2
6.5/10 | By Takashi Yamazaki
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Other Science Fiction movies written by Leiji Matsumoto (manga)