Movies like Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring with Ha Yeo-jin, Kim Ki-duk, Kim Young-min & Oh Yeong-su & created by Ki-duk Kim & Kim Ki duk?

Movies like Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring with the highest similarity score

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A boy is raised by a Buddhist monk on an isolated floating temple where the years pass like the seasons.

TAGLINE: "What you like, others will also like."

Its release date is Friday September 19, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Becoming An Adult, Buddhism, Buddhist Monk, Countryside, Cruelty To Animals Fiction, Life And Death, Mountain Lake, Philosophy & Temple
Genre Drama
Country Germany & South Korea
Director Ki-duk Kim & Kim Ki duk
Starring Ha Yeo-jin, Kim Ki-duk, Kim Young-min & Oh Yeong-su
Written by Ki-duk Kim
Cinematography Baek Dong hyeon
Music Bark Jee woong
Runtime 103 min

Other Drama movies by Ki-duk Kim

3-Iron | Oct 15th, 2004

8.1/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
Japan & South Korea | Crime, Drama & Romance
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The Time of Humans | Feb 17th, 2018

The Time of Humans
N/A/10 | By Ki-duk Kim & Kim Ki duk
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The Net | Oct 6th, 2016

The Net
7.3/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
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Other Drama movies written by Ki-duk Kim

Poongsan | Jun 23rd, 2011

6.6/10 | By Jai-hong Juhn
South Korea | Action, Drama & Romance
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Pieta | Sep 5th, 2012

7.2/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
South Korea | Drama
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3-Iron | Oct 15th, 2004

8.1/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
Japan & South Korea | Crime, Drama & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango