Movies like Staging Christmas to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Romance & TV Movie movie Staging Christmas with George Stults, Jaleel White, Karli Hall & Soleil Moon Frye?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Staging Christmas?

Lori stages homes for a living and her busiest season is Christmas! Though she normally only stages homes that are for sale, she’s intrigued when a wealthy widower named Elliot asks her to stage his home for the holidays to cheer up his daughter, Maddie. As Lori spends more and more time with Elliot and Maddie, she starts to feel like part of the family.
Its release date is Friday November 29, 2019

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Genre Romance & TV Movie
Country United States of America
Starring George Stults, Jaleel White, Karli Hall & Soleil Moon Frye