Movies like Stalingrad to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, History & War movie Stalingrad with Dominique Horwitz, Jochen Nickel, Sebastian Rudolph & Thomas Kretschmann & created by Fedor Bondarchuk & Joseph Vilsmaier?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Stalingrad?
The story follows a group of German soldiers, from their Italian R&R in the summer of 1942 to the frozen steppes of Soviet Russia and ending with the battle for Stalingrad.
Its release date is Thursday January 21, 1993
Its release date is Thursday January 21, 1993
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Anti War World War II, Battle Of Stalingrad, Stalingrad & World War Ii |
Genre | Drama, History & War |
Country | Germany |
Director | Fedor Bondarchuk & Joseph Vilsmaier |
Starring | Dominique Horwitz, Jochen Nickel, Sebastian Rudolph & Thomas Kretschmann |
Time | 1940s & 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake Tsunami |
Location | Czech Republic |
Written by | Johannes Heide, Joseph Vilsmaier & Jürgen Büscher |
Cinematography | Maksim Osadchiy & Rolf Greim |
Music | Angelo Badalamenti & Norbert Jürgen Schneider |
Runtime | 134 min |