Movies like Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Science Fiction movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home with Catherine Hicks, DeForest Kelley, Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner & created by Leonard Nimoy?

Movies like Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home?

To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it: humpback whales.

TAGLINE: "The key to saving the future can only be found in the past."

Its release date is Tuesday November 25, 1986

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Marine Biologist, San Francisco, Saving The World, Space Opera, Time Travel, Uss Enterprise-a, Vulcan, Whale & Whales
Genre Adventure & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Leonard Nimoy
Starring Catherine Hicks, DeForest Kelley, Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner
Place San Francisco
Time 1986 & 23rd Century
Location San Francisco
Written by Gene Roddenberry (television series Star Trek), Harve Bennett (screenplay), Harve Bennett (story), Leonard Nimoy (story), Nicholas Meyer (screenplay), Peter Krikes (screenplay) & Steve Meerson (screenplay)
Cinematography Donald Peterman
Music Leonard Rosenman
Runtime 119 min

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