Movies like Staying Alive to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Music movie Staying Alive with Cynthia Rhodes, Finola Hughes, John Travolta & Steve Inwood & created by Sylvester Stallone?

Movies like Staying Alive with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Staying Alive?

It's five years later and Tony Manero's Saturday Night Fever is still burning. Now he's strutting toward his biggest challenge yet - succeeding as a dancer on the Broadway stage.

TAGLINE: "Tony Manero knows the old days are over – But nobody's gonna tell him he can't feel that good again"

Its release date is Monday July 11, 1983

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Actors, Broadway, Career, Dancing Master, Disco & Nightclub
Genre Action, Drama & Music
Country The United States
Director Sylvester Stallone
Starring Cynthia Rhodes, Finola Hughes, John Travolta & Steve Inwood
Place New York City
Written by Nik Cohn (characters), Norman Wexler & Sylvester Stallone
Cinematography Nick McLean
Music Maurice Gibb
Runtime 93 min

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