Movies like Steel Magnolias to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Steel Magnolias with Dolly Parton, Julia Roberts, Sally Field & Shirley MacLaine & created by Herbert Ross?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Steel Magnolias?

A young beautician, newly arrived in a small Louisiana town, finds work at the local salon, where a small group of women share a close bond of friendship, and welcome her into the fold.

TAGLINE: "The funniest movie ever to make you cry."

Its release date is Wednesday November 15, 1989

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Play Or Musical, Beauty, Female Friendship, Friendship, Southern Usa, Strong Woman, Weddings & Women
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Herbert Ross
Starring Dolly Parton, Julia Roberts, Sally Field & Shirley MacLaine
Place Louisiana
Location Louisiana
Written by Robert Harling (play) & Robert Harling (screenplay)
Cinematography John A. Alonzo
Music Georges Delerue
Runtime 117 min

Other Comedy movies by Herbert Ross

Undercover Blues | Sep 10th, 1993

Undercover Blues
6.0/10 | By Herbert Ross
The United States | Comedy & Crime
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