Movies like Strippers from Another World to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Science Fiction movie Strippers from Another World with Christie Stevens, Erika Jordan, Krissy Lynn & Sophia Bella & created by Dean McKendrick?

Movies like Strippers from Another World with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Strippers from Another World?

When two nerdy college coeds, wish upon a falling star they are whisked into outer space where an alien experiment transforms them into hot sexy space babes who return to Earth as strippers.

TAGLINE: "Unpopular coeds become unstoppable vixens!"

Its release date is Tuesday August 20, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Dean McKendrick
Starring Christie Stevens, Erika Jordan, Krissy Lynn & Sophia Bella
Written by Dean McKendrick
Runtime N/A

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