Movies like Summer School to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Summer School with Courtney Thorne-Smith, Ken Olandt, Kirstie Alley & Mark Harmon & created by Carl Reiner?

Movies like Summer School with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Summer School?

A high-school gym teacher has big plans for the summer, but is forced to cancel them to teach a "bonehead" English class for misfit goof-off students. Fortunately, his unconventional brand ...

TAGLINE: "At Ocean Front High, what do they call a guy who cuts classes, hates homework, and lives for summer vacations? Teacher."

Its release date is Wednesday July 22, 1987

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Educators, High School, Misfit, School, Summer, Teacher, Teaching, Teen Movie & Teenager
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Carl Reiner
Starring Courtney Thorne-Smith, Ken Olandt, Kirstie Alley & Mark Harmon
Written by David Dashev (story), Jeff Franklin (screenplay), Jeff Franklin (story) & Stuart Birnbaum (story)
Cinematography David M. Walsh
Music Danny Elfman
Runtime 97 min

Other Comedy movies by Carl Reiner

All of Me | Sep 7th, 1984

All of Me
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The One and Only | Feb 3rd, 1978

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5.8/10 | By Carl Reiner
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The Man with Two Brains | Jun 10th, 1983

The Man with Two Brains
6.4/10 | By Carl Reiner
United States of America | Comedy & Science Fiction
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