Movies like Summer Time Machine Blues to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Summer Time Machine Blues with Daijiro Kawaoka, Eita, Munenori Nagano & Yoshiaki Yoza & created by Katsuyuki Motohiro?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Summer Time Machine Blues?
5 college boys, Takuma, Masaru, Shunsuke, Atsushi and Daigo all belong to sci-fi club, but they are not interested in science at all. They usually just hang around, play baseball or card, ...
Its release date is Saturday September 3, 2005
Its release date is Saturday September 3, 2005
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy |
Country | Japan |
Director | Katsuyuki Motohiro |
Starring | Daijiro Kawaoka, Eita, Munenori Nagano & Yoshiaki Yoza |
Written by | Makoto Ueda |
Cinematography | Kazunari Kawagoe |
Runtime | 107 min |