Movies like Summer With The Ghosts to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Summer With The Ghosts with Konstanze Breitebner, Nikola Culka, Richard Jutras & Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse & created by Bernd Neuburger?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Summer With The Ghosts?
A young girl and her new friend investigate a series of supernatural happenings in the Austrian children's film SUMMER WITH THE GHOSTS. Caroline departs from her home in Montreal to join ...
Its release date is Saturday March 20, 2004
Its release date is Saturday March 20, 2004
What similar themes are we looking for?
Country | Austria & Canada |
Director | Bernd Neuburger |
Starring | Konstanze Breitebner, Nikola Culka, Richard Jutras & Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse |
Written by | Nadja Seelich |
Cinematography | Russell Carpenter |
Music | Michael Jackson |
Runtime | 85 min |