Movies like Tale of Cinema to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Tale of Cinema with Kim Sang-kyung, Kyung-jin Lee, Lee Ki-Woo & Uhm Ji-won & created by Sang-soo Hong?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Tale of Cinema?
In Seoul, the paths of two men and one woman intersect and move apart from one another, centering around their love for cinema. A suicidal student meets a young woman who decides to follow ...
Its release date is Friday May 27, 2005
Its release date is Friday May 27, 2005
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Actress, Snow, Student & University |
Genre | Drama |
Country | France & South Korea |
Director | Sang-soo Hong |
Starring | Kim Sang-kyung, Kyung-jin Lee, Lee Ki-Woo & Uhm Ji-won |
Written by | Sang-soo Hong |
Runtime | 89 min |