Movies like Taste the Blood of Dracula to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Taste the Blood of Dracula with Christopher Lee, Geoffrey Keen, Gwen Watford & Linda Hayden & created by Peter Sasdy?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Taste the Blood of Dracula?

Three distinguished English gentlemen accidentally resurrect Count Dracula, killing a disciple of his in process. The Count seeks to avenge his dead servant, by making the trio die in the hands of their own children.


Its release date is Thursday May 7, 1970

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ceremony, Dracula, Hammer Horror, Resurrection, Supernatural Powers, Undead, Vampire & Vampires
Genre Horror
Country United Kingdom
Director Peter Sasdy
Starring Christopher Lee, Geoffrey Keen, Gwen Watford & Linda Hayden
Written by Anthony Hinds (screenplay) & Bram Stoker (based on the character created by)
Cinematography Arthur Grant (cinematographer)
Music James Bernard (composer)
Runtime 91 min

Other Horror movies by Peter Sasdy

Countess Dracula | Jan 31st, 1971

Countess Dracula
6.0/10 | By Peter Sasdy
United Kingdom | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Other Horror movies written by Anthony Hinds (screenplay)