Movies like Taxi Driver to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie Taxi Driver with Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, Jodie Foster & Robert De Niro & created by Martin Scorsese?

Movies like Taxi Driver with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Taxi Driver?

A mentally unstable veteran works as a nighttime taxi driver in New York City, where the perceived decadence and sleaze fuels his urge for violent action, while attempting to liberate a twelve-year-old prostitute.

TAGLINE: "On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody."

Its release date is Saturday February 7, 1976

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alienation, Child Prostitution, Crime, Drug Dealer, Gwangju Uprising, Illegal Prostitution, Journalists, Military, Misanthrope, Night Shift, Obsession, Prostitution, Taxi, Taxicabs, Vietnam Veteran & Vigilante
Genre Crime & Drama
Country The United States
Director Martin Scorsese
Starring Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, Jodie Foster & Robert De Niro
Place Gwangju & New York City
Time 1980
Location New York City
Written by Paul Schrader
Cinematography Michael Chapman (cinematographer)
Music Bernard Herrmann & Jo Yeong wook
Runtime 114 min

Other Crime movies by Martin Scorsese

Mean Streets | Oct 2nd, 1973

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Goodfellas | Sep 12th, 1990

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Gangs of New York | Dec 14th, 2002

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Other Crime movies written by Paul Schrader

Light Sleeper | Aug 21st, 1992

Light Sleeper
6.9/10 | By Paul Schrader
The United States | Crime & Drama
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American Gigolo | Feb 8th, 1980

American Gigolo
6.3/10 | By Paul Schrader
United States of America | Crime, Drama & Romance
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