Movies like Terri to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Terri with Creed Bratton, Jacob Wysocki, John C. Reilly & Olivia Crocicchia & created by Azazel Jacobs?

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The story of a bullied fifteen-year-old boy in a small town as he struggles to adjust to his difficult life.
Its release date is Friday July 1, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic High School Friends, Overweight Child, Pijamas, Underage Drinking & Urination
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country United States of America
Director Azazel Jacobs
Starring Creed Bratton, Jacob Wysocki, John C. Reilly & Olivia Crocicchia
Location Los Angeles
Written by Azazel Jacobs (story by), Patrick DeWitt & Patrick DeWitt (story by)
Runtime 105 min

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The Lovers | May 5th, 2017

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