Movies like That Obscure Object of Desire to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie That Obscure Object of Desire with Ángela Molina, Carole Bouquet, Fernando Rey & Milena Vukotic & created by Luis Buñuel?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of That Obscure Object of Desire?
Recounted in flashback are the romantic perils of Mathieu, a middle-aged French sophisticate as he falls for his nineteen year-old former chambermaid Conchita.
Its release date is Wednesday August 17, 1977
Recounted in flashback are the romantic perils of Mathieu, a middle-aged French sophisticate as he falls for his nineteen year-old former chambermaid Conchita.
TAGLINE: "Luis Buñuel's masterpiece"
Its release date is Wednesday August 17, 1977
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bomb, Bucket, Independent Film, Lausanne, Love, Mistake In Person, parent child relationship, Paris France & Sexual Repression |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Romance |
Country | France |
Director | Luis Buñuel |
Starring | Ángela Molina, Carole Bouquet, Fernando Rey & Milena Vukotic |
Place | Madrid, Paris & Seville |
Location | Foreign Switzerland, Madrid & Paris |
Written by | Jean-Claude Carrière (collaboration), Luis Buñuel (scenario) & Pierre Louÿs (inspired by the book "La femme et le pantin") |
Runtime | 103 min |