Movies like The Adventures of Jurassic Pet to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Family movie The Adventures of Jurassic Pet with & created by Ryan Bellgardt?
Movies like The Adventures of Jurassic Pet with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Adventures of Jurassic Pet?
An adventurous teenager summons the courage to help a friendly dinosaur to escape from the clutches of a mad scientist that wants to use him for experimentations.
Its release date is Tuesday April 16, 2019
An adventurous teenager summons the courage to help a friendly dinosaur to escape from the clutches of a mad scientist that wants to use him for experimentations.
Its release date is Tuesday April 16, 2019
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Adventure & Family |
Director | Ryan Bellgardt |
Written by | Chris Hoyt, Jerome Reygner-Kalfon & Sebastien Semon |
Runtime | 84 min |
Other Adventure movies by Ryan Bellgardt
Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet | May 26th, 2020
N/A/10 | By Ryan Bellgardt
France | Adventure, Family & Fantasy Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet | May 26th, 2020
N/A/10 | By Ryan Bellgardt
France | Adventure, Family & Fantasy Other Adventure movies written by Chris Hoyt
Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet | May 26th, 2020
N/A/10 | By Ryan Bellgardt
France | Adventure, Family & Fantasy Adventures of Rufus: the Fantastic Pet | May 26th, 2020
N/A/10 | By Ryan Bellgardt
France | Adventure, Family & Fantasy