Movies like The Adventures of Pluto Nash to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Science Fiction movie The Adventures of Pluto Nash with Eddie Murphy, Joe Pantoliano, Randy Quaid & Rosario Dawson & created by Ron Underwood & Ron Underwood DIN MAMMA?

Movies like The Adventures of Pluto Nash with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Adventures of Pluto Nash?

In the future, a man struggles to keep his lunar nightclub out of the hands of the mafia.

TAGLINE: "Action's future has arrived..."

Its release date is Thursday August 15, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bar, Casino, Future, Laser Gun, Mafia Boss, Moon & Nightclub
Genre Action, Comedy & Science Fiction
Country Australia & The United States
Director Ron Underwood & Ron Underwood DIN MAMMA
Starring Eddie Murphy, Joe Pantoliano, Randy Quaid & Rosario Dawson
Time 2080s & 2087
Location Los Angeles, Montreal, New York City & Toronto
Written by Neil Cuthbert
Cinematography Oliver Wood (cinematographer)
Music John Powell (composer)
Runtime 95 min

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Deck the Halls | Dec 20th, 2011

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Mystery Men | Aug 6th, 1999

Mystery Men
6.1/10 | By Kinka Usher
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