Movies like The Art of Stealing to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Crime movie The Art of Stealing with Enrique Arce, Flora Martínez, Ivo Canelas & Soraia Chaves & created by Jonathan Sobol & Leonel Vieira?
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Two amateur thieves are hired to steal an extremely valuable Van Gogh painting from the abandoned farm of an Argentinian countess.
Its release date is Thursday November 6, 2008
Its release date is Thursday November 6, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Action, Comedy & Crime |
Country | Brazil & Portugal |
Director | Jonathan Sobol & Leonel Vieira |
Starring | Enrique Arce, Flora Martínez, Ivo Canelas & Soraia Chaves |
Location | Canada |
Written by | João Quadros (screenplay), Leonel Vieira (collaborating writer) & Roberto Santiago (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Adam Swica |
Music | Grayson Matthews |
Runtime | 103 min |