Movies like The Beast And The Beauty to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie The Beast And The Beauty with Ahn Gil-kang, Kim Kang-woo, Ryoo Seung-bum & Shin Min-A & created by Gye-byeok Lee?

Movies like The Beast And The Beauty with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Beast And The Beauty?

A white lie makes things even more difficult for Dong-gun when his blind girlfriend regains sight after a successful operation. Will she love him for who he is?
Its release date is Thursday October 27, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy & Romance
Country South Korea
Director Gye-byeok Lee
Starring Ahn Gil-kang, Kim Kang-woo, Ryoo Seung-bum & Shin Min-A
Place Viking Age
Written by Gye-byeok Lee, Jeong-Hyeop Han & Jo-yun Hwang
Cinematography Buster Reynolds
Music Mark Thomas
Runtime 102 min