Movies like The Bench to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Bench with Jens Albinus, Jesper Christensen, Nicolaj Kopernikus & Sarah Boberg & created by Per Fly?

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Kaj is an alcoholic living on the money the Danish state is providing him. Him and his friends spend their time drinking beer at a public bench. One day Kaj's life turns upside down when a young lady and her child moves in next to him.
Its release date is Saturday August 26, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Self-abandonment
Genre Drama
Country Denmark & Sweden
Director Per Fly
Starring Jens Albinus, Jesper Christensen, Nicolaj Kopernikus & Sarah Boberg
Written by Kim Leona (screenplay) & Per Fly (screenplay)
Runtime 93 min

Other Drama movies by Per Fly

Manslaughter | Aug 26th, 2005

6.8/10 | By Cecil B. DeMille, Per Fly & Pieter Kuijpers
Denmark | Drama
Amazon Video

The Inheritance | Feb 21st, 2003

The Inheritance
7.3/10 | By Charles Henri Belleville & Per Fly
Denmark & United Kingdom | Drama
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Other Drama movies written by Kim Leona (screenplay)

The Inheritance | Feb 21st, 2003

The Inheritance
7.3/10 | By Charles Henri Belleville & Per Fly
Denmark & United Kingdom | Drama
Vudu Fandor

Scratch | Dec 25th, 2003

5.6/10 | By Anders Gustafsson
Denmark | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes

Manslaughter | Aug 26th, 2005

6.8/10 | By Cecil B. DeMille, Per Fly & Pieter Kuijpers
Denmark | Drama
Amazon Video