Movies like The Boda Boda Thieves to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie The Boda Boda Thieves with & created by Donald Mugisha & James Tayler?
Movies like The Boda Boda Thieves with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Boda Boda Thieves?
Even though he is only 15 years old, when his father is injured in a road accident Abel takes up the responsibility of manning the family 'boda boda' to provide for the family. Abel however...
Its release date is Sunday February 8, 2015
Its release date is Sunday February 8, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Years |
Director | Donald Mugisha & James Tayler |
Time | 2018 |
Written by | Donald Mugisha, James Tayler & Wanjiku S. Muhoho |
Runtime | 85 min |